Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Heating up the potential capabilities of Osmosis

     In episode six, Esther is confronted about secretly hacking the implants of the beta testers to cure Louise. This is not good in some eyes and there are concerns of others finding out. If others find out, Osmosis will reach its demise. On the flip side, it worked! Louise is now awake however, she's completely dependent and permanently connected to Martin, the personal assistant as mentioned in Blog four. With Louise being dependent on Martin, she's not fully cured but without Esther hacking into the implants of the beta testers, Louise had a zero percent chance of waking up. Little back story, Louise fell into a coma that should have been permanent. Although Osmosis was made to match soulmates, Esther has discovered that Osmosis could in fact be a medical technology as well. Paul Vanhove, the leader of Osmosis, completely disagrees and wants absolutely no part in expanding the capabilities of Osmosis. This scenarios brings about external constraints. In a way, Paul is sabotaging the good that Osmosis could bring to the greater good regardless of the profits that could be made from an expansion. For the individuals that are leading the process of Osmosis, a local search bias is presented here in that they firmly believe that they know Osmosis is capable of being a benefit to the neurological medical field in order to solve a new problem, outside of soulmate matching. Esther and Gabriel want to rely on Osmosis to come into play medically however, Paul does not. This scenario also has the possibility of creating a GAN, General Adversarial Network. Gabriel is acting as the generator while Paul is acting as the discriminator. Gabriel is trying to create a representation that will be accepted by Paul. Paul, again the discriminator, rejects the idea of Osmosis merging into the medical field with the development of new applications. Paul rejects this because it is not a part of the main intentions of Osmosis. Gabriel continues to push Paul with caution towards agreeing to at least consider looking into the medical capabilities. Paul does not budge. Again, the reason this has the possibility of becoming a GAN situation is because Paul may end up reconsidering and eventually taking the reasonings of Gabriel, the generator, as authentic. We will find out as we move along into this series!

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Osmosis Does a 180

     In Episode seven, Lucas is taken in for questioning by the police. We find out that both Lucas and Leopold took drugs that put them int...